1 (865) 388-1712     jcsheatingandair1@gmail.com


Tips For Maximizing Your Heating and Cooling System

Tips For Maximizing Your Heating and Cooling System

Owning an HVAC system is a common practice, but ensuring you use and maintain it correctly is crucial. Not only for your comfort, but also for health, safety, and environmental reasons. In this article, we'll provide you with some valuable tips on how to use your heating and cooling systems more...

Is HVAC Duct Cleaning Necessary?

Is HVAC Duct Cleaning Necessary?

There’s a lot of information out there about HVAC systems maintenance. Often, duct cleaning is overlooked or not given much attention. Why? It's because the ductwork in your HVAC system doesn't deteriorate quickly, so it doesn't always need maintenance or cleaning. However, it's important to know...

Easy HVAC Maintenance Tips for Improved Performance

Easy HVAC Maintenance Tips for Improved Performance

To keep your air conditioner running smoothly and efficiently, regular maintenance is key. HVAC experts recommend following these simple tips to ensure your unit performs at its best. Tips To Keep Your HVAC In Excellent Condition Keep the Coils Clean Your air conditioner's coils, namely the...

What Causes Condensation In Air Ducts?

What Causes Condensation In Air Ducts?

Condensation in air ducts is a common issue that can affect the performance and efficiency of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. It occurs when moist air comes into contact with cold surfaces within the ductwork, leading to water droplet formation. Explore the causes of...

AC Repairs That You Should Not Do on Your Own

AC Repairs That You Should Not Do on Your Own

HVAC contractors in Knoxville TN are qualified to handle many types of ac repairs and maintenance. There are some tasks you can do yourself, such as de-icing the air conditioners and cleaning the condenser coils. Because your HVAC unit is complex, you may need the expertise of an HVAC contractor...