1 (865) 388-1712     jcsheatingandair1@gmail.com

The Ideal Knoxville Air Conditioning Guide

Apr 14, 2023 | Air Conditioning Contractor

Air conditioning

Air conditioningTaking care and properly maintaining your air conditioning unit is important to ensure that you will have no problems using your unit throughout the year, especially during the coldest and hottest months. It will surely be a huge inconvenience if you will have to bring your unit in for repair during these months when you most needed it.

Moreover, properly taking care of your heating and air conditioning unit will help increase its lifespan and save you money down the road from paying for costly air conditioning repairs and replacements.

Below is an easy-to-follow maintenance guide that you can do for your air conditioning unit.

1. Install filters on your hot air supply registers

This will help prevent dust and other particles from getting through the registers and finding their way inside your air conditioning unit where they can cause more damage. Remember to confirm with your unit’s manufacturer the most suitable type of filter to use and strictly follow their instructions for installing the filters. Doing this wrong may result in restricting smooth and clean airflow from your air conditioner. Go back after a couple of weeks of installing the filters and clean or replace them, if necessary.

2. Seal any gaps between wall openings and ducts

To relieve your HVAC unit from exerting a lot of effort in cooling a room, make sure your room is completely sealed. Aside from checking windows and doors, you should also take a closer look at wall openings where your air ducts go through. You must ensure that there are no gaps between the wall openings and the air ducts. Use a general-purpose caulk for sealing any gaps that you see around the room.

3. Conduct an overall inspection of your Myrtle Beach air conditioning unit before calling in a professional

If you suspect something is wrong with the unit, do an overall inspection first before immediately calling an air conditioning contractor. This will help you better explain the situation to the air conditioning contractor and sometimes, depending on the problem with your air conditioner, you can resolve the situation via the phone. This saves both your repairman some time and money, particularly from traveling between your house and the service center. If possible, make notes of everything that you’ve observed from your inspection to be sure you don’t miss anything when you relay the information to your repairman.

4. Schedule your unit for annual air conditioning cleaning

Call J.C.’s Heating and Air and inquire about arranging a schedule for an annual cleanup of your heating and air conditioning system. Cleaning your unit at least once a year will prevent dust and other debris from buildup inside and outside the system. Keep in mind that it’s important to prevent debris from building up in your system as it could easily block the air passages and, eventually cause bigger problems.

Looking for a certified and experienced Knoxville air conditioning professional to work with? Call J.C.’s Heating and Air now.

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J.C.’s Heating and Air
3110 Henson Rd Suite 7
Knoxville, TN 37921

Areas Served: CorrytonFountain CityHalls CrossroadsFarragutPowellKnoxvilleKnox CountyOak RidgeLenoir City

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