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Why Have Your Heat Pump Inspected This Winter

Nov 14, 2022 | Heat Pump, Heating Contractor

heat pump

There are many things homeowners should keep in mind when it comes to winter maintenance. Installing snow tires and windshield wipers before snowfall can make all the difference for your safety and the health of your car. It also includes getting your heat pump inspected and maintained.

Many homeowners forget to include their heat pump maintenance in their checklist. Your heat pump is the main reason your family stays warm and comfortable in the winter. It needs to be treated just like all other appliances.

Heat Pump Tuneup, Repair, and Replacement: Why should I have my HVAC system serviced before winter?

HVAC owners often make the common mistake of not having their heat pump serviced before winter, even though the AC has been running fine during the warmer months. An HVAC professional can ensure that your heat pump can withstand the winter chill.

Reasons to make an appointment this fall

Regular maintenance will make your heat pump last longer. The heat pump has many moving parts that can fail, rust, or jam. This will not only reduce the machine’s functionality but also cause it to last a shorter time due to friction.

If you don’t believe that the improved functionality and extended lifespan of your heat pump are enough to convince yourself that heat pump repairs are necessary, consider how much trouble a heat pump replacement could cause. If the weather is extremely hot or cold, you could be without heat or AC for as little as a few days.

New HVAC systems can be expensive and can be difficult to install. It all depends on where your HVAC system is located and whether it needs to be modified for the new system.

If the heat pump was not working properly or is too old, a new heat pump can be a great addition to a house. But, you don’t want to put off the process by making sure your heat pump is well-maintained and healthy. Regular heat pump repairs are the best way to get the most out of your system before it’s time to replace it.

All repairs that you might need will be significantly less costly.

Many homeowners neglect seemingly insignificant home appliance repairs or tune-ups because they want to save money. This can lead to more expensive repairs in the long term.

A trained specialist can spot any minor issues in your HVAC system and fix them. If left untreated, they could become much more serious.

Preventative maintenance is a great way to ensure you don’t have to pay for costly repairs, even if the HVAC contractor in Knoxville TN doesn’t identify any issues. Regular maintenance may be required by your HVAC system’s warranty.

Your home will be safer and more comfortable. Your home will be able to maintain the ideal temperature for your family during winter and summer when your HVAC system works as it should. A properly functioning heat pump or AC can make the difference between a comfortable holiday season and extreme discomfort depending on where you live, especially in winter.

A malfunctioning heat pump can cause excessive carbon monoxide emissions, which could put your home at risk for an HVAC-related fire. Because CO is an odorless gas you might not be able to tell if your heat pump is malfunctioning. To keep your family safe in winter, it is important to maintain your heat pump and replace the batteries.

Your home will have better air quality. The HVAC system controls the majority of airflow in a home. However, most homeowners don’t realize the impact that heat pumps and AC have on the quality of the air they breathe every day. Your HVAC system could be responsible for your allergy symptoms, or worsening symptoms from preexisting lung conditions such as asthma.

Regular HVAC maintenance will keep your home’s air clean and healthy. Ask your HVAC technician during your next heat pump or AC tune-up how you could clean and change your filters regularly yourself to improve the air quality in your home.

Energy costs will be reduced. Most homeowners agree that they want to save money. If you neglect to repair your heat pump regularly, you could be spending more to heat your home in the winter.

If a heat pump’s filter is dirty or if there are other problems, it will work harder to reach the desired temperature. A heat pump tune-up every year or twice a year will make sure that your heat pump runs smoothly and efficiently, which will bring down your energy bills. Filter changes in between heat pump repairs will help improve the functionality of your HVAC system and save you time and money.

Our goal this winter is to keep you and your family comfortable. We understand how uncomfortable and disruptive a broken heat pump can be when the cold sets in. That’s why we are here to assist you with any heat pump repair or installation.

Call J.C.’s Heating and Air now if you need help maintaining your HVAC system.

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J.C.’s Heating and Air
3110 Henson Rd Suite 7
Knoxville, TN 37921

Areas Served: CorrytonFountain CityHalls CrossroadsFarragutPowellKnoxvilleKnox CountyOak RidgeLenoir City

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