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Habits Than Damage the Health of your Air Conditioning System

Apr 18, 2023 | Air Conditioning Contractor

air conditioning

air conditioningYou need an air conditioning unit that is working properly to stay comfortable when temperatures are high. Before you call a professional, examine your own usage patterns to see if your AC is having trouble cooling your home. How you use your air conditioning system can affect its performance, efficiency, and overall condition. Avoid these five bad habits:

Thermostats should be adjusted frequently

Start-up and shutdown are the most difficult parts of AC systems’ jobs. Your equipment will be more likely to cycle on and off if you are constantly changing your thermostat’s temperature setting. Your air conditioner will suffer increased wear.

Installing a programmable thermometer is one way to break this habit. You can program your thermostat to adjust the temperature at different times during the day, or even turn it off when no one is home. You can save money on energy by not having to adjust the thermostat.

You may forget to change the air filter

Your AC system’s air filter is responsible for cleaning the air that enters the living area. It can reduce airflow, causing your AC to work harder in order to maintain the temperature you want. The additional strain on your equipment can increase your utility bill, but it also increases its vulnerability to mechanical issues and decreases its lifespan.

You should change your air filters regularly. Replace your air filter every three months during winter and spring, depending on the weather. Change your filter more frequently if you have pets at home.

Closing the registers

Some homeowners think that closing the registers will help them to save energy. This is not true. Your AC system was designed to cool an exact amount of space. Closed registers reduce the space required for your air conditioner to cool. This makes it appear that it is not the right size. This can lead to a number of issues, including:

  • Longer run times.
  • A frozen evaporator coil.
  • Utility bills are on the rise.
  • Shorter lifespan.

Close the registers only if necessary to regulate the temperature in certain areas. Make sure that your furniture doesn’t block the air coming out of the registers.

air conditioningDoing Repairs Yourself

If you are a DIY enthusiast but have not completed any specialized training, then you should not attempt to repair your AC yourself. Hire an HVAC technician to repair and inspect your air conditioner if it is having mechanical problems. You may cause further damage or exacerbate the problem if you attempt to fix it yourself. Do-it-yourself repairs can also void the manufacturer’s warranty.

It is important to know which HVAC repairs or maintenance you can perform yourself, and which you should leave up to a technician. Maintenance tasks such as replacing the air filter or cleaning the area surrounding the outdoor unit do not require expert knowledge. If you need to repair or clean ducts, repair refrigerant, or fix malfunctioning components, call an HVAC professional.

Don’t sign up for preventative maintenance

Most homeowners attempt to save money on preventative AC maintenance. Preventative maintenance can increase your costs, but it will pay for itself in the end by reducing energy bills and increasing the life of your AC system. It also involves a thorough inspection. The technician will identify any existing or potential issues and correct them before they become major problems that require expensive repairs.

It is possible to improve the comfort of your home by knowing how to maintain and use your AC system. This can reduce your energy bills, prevent costly repairs, and extend the life of your equipment.

Contact J.C.’s Heating and Air if you are looking for an HVAC contractor who can solve your air-conditioning problems.

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J.C.’s Heating and Air
3110 Henson Rd Suite 7
Knoxville, TN 37921

Areas Served: CorrytonFountain CityHalls CrossroadsFarragutPowellKnoxvilleKnox CountyOak RidgeLenoir City

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