1 (865) 388-1712     jcsheatingandair1@gmail.com

Air Conditioning Repair Service

The Bad Habits That Will Ruin Your Air Conditioner

Many people make incorrect assumptions regarding the way the air conditioner operates. Understandably, we don't expect every person to be an HVAC contractor. Some myths persist and lead to bad habits. These bad air conditioning habits are not only harmful but also expensive. Keep these air...

Common Air Conditioning Problems In Homes (And How To Fix Them)

Common Air Conditioning Problems In Homes (And How To Fix Them)

You want to do the best job you can with your air conditioning system. Doing your best to avoid the most common problems with air conditioners is essential. No matter how cautious you are, AC problems in the home can still happen. It is important to diagnose and fix home AC issues as quickly as...

Save Energy Costs On Your Air Conditioner

Save Energy Costs On Your Air Conditioner

Professionals in the industry say that your air conditioner uses more energy than any other appliance. An air conditioner consumes almost half of the energy costs you pay. You will need to do more to reduce your energy bills than just using less air conditioning or changing it for a more efficient...

Signs You Need an Air Conditioner Repair

Signs You Need an Air Conditioner Repair

It's obvious that summer is coming soon as the warm sun returns. It's important to ensure that your air conditioner can keep you cool. How do you tell if your air conditioner needs some TLC? You will need to get air conditioner repair service if you observe any of these warning signs. Air...