1 (865) 388-1712     jcsheatingandair1@gmail.com

Sue White

AC Maintenance Tips to Prepare Your System for Warm Weather

AC Maintenance Tips to Prepare Your System for Warm Weather

As spring approaches and temperatures begin to rise, preparing your home’s cooling system becomes more important. This is exactly why proper AC maintenance plays a key role in keeping your space cool, efficient, and comfortable all season long. While some tasks are simple enough to do yourself,...

HVAC System Tips: How Your HVAC System Can Improve Sleep Quality

HVAC System Tips: How Your HVAC System Can Improve Sleep Quality

Did you realize that your HVAC system can actually help you sleep better? Many people struggle with poor sleep without knowing that the culprit might be right in their own home—specifically, their bedroom temperature. Thankfully, understanding how your HVAC system affects your sleep can make a...

How to Know If Your HVAC System Is Running Efficiently

How to Know If Your HVAC System Is Running Efficiently

According to experts, an HVAC system consumes a significant amount of electricity. In fact, they often account for nearly half of a household’s monthly energy bill. While heating and cooling will always require a substantial amount of power, that doesn’t mean an HVAC system can’t operate...