1 (865) 388-1712     jcsheatingandair1@gmail.com

duct cleaning

Air Duct Cleaning For Spring

Air Duct Cleaning For Spring

As you gear up for your annual spring cleaning spree? There's one crucial area you might be overlooking: air duct cleaning. While it's easy to focus on tidying up visible surfaces, neglecting your HVAC system could lead to a host of issues down the line. Spring Maintenance: Air Duct Cleaning...

Keep Your Home Healthy With Regular Air Duct Cleaning 

Keep Your Home Healthy With Regular Air Duct Cleaning 

Did you know that you should schedule regular duct cleaning service? Air ducts are like the hidden arteries of your home's heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. They are quietly circulating air to keep you comfortable year-round. Yet, despite their crucial role, they often go...

Duct Cleaning: Why Is It Important

Duct Cleaning: Why Is It Important

Imagine this: duct cleaning can get rid of about of six pounds of dust. Over time, dust and pollutants, fron your home, can build up inside your kitchen ducts, reducing airflow and recirculating throughout your kitchen space. Air ducts play a crucial role in your home, and they need proper...

Preparing for Duct Cleaning During Cold Weather

Preparing for Duct Cleaning During Cold Weather

If you're considering having your ductwork cleaned during the colder months, there are some important things you should be aware of. Here's what you need to know about duct cleaning: Duct Cleaning Tips 1. Furnace Shutdown for Safety: During a duct cleaning in Knoxville TN, the safety of both the...

Duct Cleaning During Winter: Should You Do It?

Duct Cleaning During Winter: Should You Do It?

As winter sets in and the temperatures drop, our homes become cozy sanctuaries from the cold outside. We crank up the heat, seal any drafts, and hunker down for the season. However, one aspect of home maintenance that often gets overlooked during the winter months is air duct cleaning. Many...

Contact Us:

J.C.'s Heating and Air
3110 Henson Rd Suite 7
Knoxville, TN 37921

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